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Dare For Change.

Click To Donate Today

And Together, We Will Win!

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding contributions and becoming a donor. Please feel free to contact us at

    • A individual contributor must have a legal status such as a Permanent Resident or a Citizen.

    • An entity such as a corporation or LLC can contribute within the contribution limit.

    • An individual can contribute up to $3,000 during a Primary Cycle

    • A corporation or LLC can contribute up to $5,000 during a Primary Cycle.

  • A contributor can donate by providing a check, cash, in-kind donations, or on our Act Blue Portal on our Donate page.

  • Your contribution will be used to support our campaign by funding mailers, posters, events, fueling our volunteers, and more!

  • The New York State Public Campaign Finance Program provides candidates running for statewide or state legislative office the ability to qualify for public matching funds based on small donations ($5-$250) from residents in their district.

    $12-to-$1 for first $50

    $9-to-$1 for next $100

    $8-to-$1 for next $100